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Zeolite the "Detox Magnet"

Zeolite acts as a strong “Detox magnet” in your body with the unique ability to selectively remove toxic elements while leaving essential minerals, vitamins and nutrients alone. Opposed to just grabbing everything it comes across, zeolite works by selectively binding toxic elements through a process we call “swap and drop.” Zeolite’s unique ability to selectively detox is what makes it a “smart binder” and such an incredible detox product.
Reduce Tissue Levels of 15 Toxic Metals
Help Balance Essential Minerals
Increase Tissue Vitamin Saturation
Offer a Gentle Detox Experience
ZeoCharge™ Has Proven The Ability To
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Our Story
You’re not going to stay healthy by accident living in the 21st
century. With the water, food, and air all being contaminated, detox support is more important than ever. That’s why we developed ZeoCharge™- an advanced detox solution for today. By taking an ancient remedy and utilizing advanced technology to supercharge it, we have introduced a better way to detox.

ZeoCharge™ in Action

The Ultimate Zeolite Experience
The Ultimate Zeolite Experience is a 5-month protocol that includes 20 jars of ZeoCharge™. The protocol was developed off of the concepts presented in "The Higher Dose Theory of Zeolite" document. The idea of the protocol is to start with a high dose of ZeoCharge™ and work your way down each month.
21st Century Detox Solutions
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